The other day I got to feeling useless. I got to feeling like my life didn’t matter. I hadn’t done anything of any significance and if I died nobody would even remember me. You might say that I was feeling sorry for myself. That is an understatement! This morning while reading a story I have read many times, the story of the woman with the alabaster flask (Mark 14), a verse seemed to jump out at me. Jesus said that the woman had “done what she could” and “what she had done would be told in memory of her.” (v. 8,9) I always thought that she would be remembered for using the expensive oil to anoint Jesus, but not so. She is remembered for doing what she could. Friends, this is freedom! We don’t have to do something that the world considers a great task or even life changing in order to make a difference and be remembered. We simply have to do what we can. Even I can strive for that! I’m going to try to determine my usefulness and remembrance factor by doing what I can instead of comparing what I do to others. Maybe you can try it too? Blessings
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