The bulk of our international mission work is found in the beautiful country of Tanzania as we have a full time on site missionary and are building the Tumaini (Hope) Evangelistic Pre & Primary English Medium School in Kiruani, Tanzania. This rural village is just south of Mount Kilimanjaro by about 60 miles.
We also host mission teams at our school in Tanzania. It is our goal with any mission trip that those who travel abroad encounter Jesus through His people while experiencing cultures different than their own, and Tanzania is no exception. Our teams to Tanzania have the opportunity to witness what daily life is like for the people of the Maasai tribe as we are hosted by our African brothers and sisters in Christ in their very homes. It is not uncommon to wake up every morning to little children on your doorstep just waiting to hear more about their Savior.
Our ministry has been divinely connected with local Tanzanian pastors who have welcomed us into their homes and churches to teach, preach, and experience the Holy Spirit with our brothers and sisters there. God has already done so much in the little time we’ve been visiting and we know His work for Blessed2BlessU Ministries in Tanzania has only just begun.
Our journey to Tanzania began in September of 2011 when Rev. Doug Johnson was invited for a two week preaching and teaching tour that included a crusade in Kiruani. It was during one teaching seminar that the local pastor shared his vision to one day have a non-denominational Christian school and orphanage in their community. The majority of the children are descendents of the Maasai Tribe and are considered poverty stricken according to any world standards. It was then and there that the Holy Spirit began convicting Rev. Doug’s heart that B2BU Ministries should play a part in the fulfillment of this pastor’s vision.
After much prayer and stepping out in faith with the little funds we had, the school began. Over the 2012 Christmas holiday, a mission team flew back to Kiruani with the hopes of blessing the children with a few school supplies for the start of the new school. Rev. Doug’s daughter, Katie, was a team member and was deeply moved, as well, to do more than supply the children with educational items. This is when Project KATIE (Keeping All Tots In Education) was born.
The Lord has expanded the focus of Project KATIE to ensure that every child living in Kiruani receives a quality Christian education. It is our hope that by providing an environment conducive for learning we are able to help extend the Tumaini School vision through the following grades as students progress.
Our proposal includes a building program for the Tumaini School which will include a clean water bored well, 6 classroom buildings with at least 2 classrooms each, kitchen, dining hall, administration building, headmaster house, on-site missionary house, toilets, and playground equipment. The total construction cost is estimated at $150,000.00. As of January 2019, we have built the two houses, kitchen, toilets, some playground equipment, 3 classroom buildings and a clean water well providing safe drinking water for the students and teachers. As of December 2017, we have been a registered primary school and have been operating to provide a quality Christian education adding a new primary standard grade each year.
It has been estimated that to keep Tumaini School running it costs approximately $30 US per child per month or $360 US a year. This $30 covers the child’s tuition, school uniform, daily food and milk, teacher’s salary, and the opportunity to learn about God’s word. Because most students simply cannot afford to attend school, Blessed2BlessU has set up supporter-funded scholarships for students who are unable to afford the tuition. You can find out more on our financial/support page.
Please take time to review the pictures and videos of the students at Tumaini School by following the links. More children would like to enroll but our current resources are simply stretched to their limit. Will you prayerfully consider providing an education and hope to one or more of these beautiful children?
Tax deductible donations can be made online through our “Support” button in the upper right hand of this page or mailed to B2BU Ministries Inc at PO Box 2016, Fremont, NC 27830. If you would like to learn more about sponsoring a child or donating to the Tumaini School, please e-mail. We thank you for your prayers and support!