
Have you ever forgotten something? I’m not talking about what is happening as I grow older and just can’t seem to remember. I’m talking about something you promised to take care of or something you promised not to forget. Maybe you promised to pick up some milk on the way home, or fill the car with gas before you went to bed. Perhaps it was a bigger promise. Perhaps it was one of those “I’ll never do that again” kind of promises. If Cindy were helping me write this today, she would tell you that I forget ALL the time. I don’t intend to, sometimes it just happens. The thing is, she hasn’t kicked me out yet! I keep saying that I am sorry and she keeps encouraging me to remember to be better and loving me anyway. That is kind of the way Obadiah describes the relationship between God and His people. God’s people continue to forget to be righteous and holy and yet in verse 17 he reminds them that “there shall be deliverance”. In other words just because we “forget” to do “right” doesn’t mean that God will forget that He loves us. In fact He will deliver us ANYWAY! Now that is something worth remembering, not for an excuse to mess up but as a word of hope for when we do. I’m claiming it for today. You can too! Blessings